I"M still Active.
Keep reading these posts, I estimate about half that use this forum are still in.
with all the negativity here i was wondering if i am the only one here that's a witness.
the topic pretty much says everything..
I"M still Active.
Keep reading these posts, I estimate about half that use this forum are still in.
i've been lurking for about 3 months now and thought i'd better finally sign up.
you have all been an immense help to me as i have come to realize that this isn't the truth so i want to say a great big thank you!
what a crazy, emotional ride it is to finally face the truth about the doubts that i have carried for many years.
thw wts likes to play games with their statistics.
one interesting but truly tragic is the number of jwhovah's witnesses who commit suicie.. now i suspect that if a person commits suicide shortly before or after they are disfellowshipped then the elders would say that person wasn't a witness or that they had done something so terrible that they were too guilty to admit it and by their action of committing suicide they pretty much declared they were no longer a jw.. yup fancy talk to make sure any crap didn't fall on them.. so my question.. do you know of cases like this?
if so then can you answer a few more questions.. had this person been dfed or in real danger of being dfed or whatever the equivalent is if they were never baptized?.
i've been lurking for about 3 months now and thought i'd better finally sign up.
you have all been an immense help to me as i have come to realize that this isn't the truth so i want to say a great big thank you!
what a crazy, emotional ride it is to finally face the truth about the doubts that i have carried for many years.
i've been lurking for about 3 months now and thought i'd better finally sign up.
you have all been an immense help to me as i have come to realize that this isn't the truth so i want to say a great big thank you!
what a crazy, emotional ride it is to finally face the truth about the doubts that i have carried for many years.
Been keeping up with your unfolding life experience. Your experience mirrors mine and my wife is on board if and when I decide to fade.
There is a certain amount of freedom we have now. We do some things that JWs frown upon, but our conscience is not bothered by it!
Like watching certain movies, TV shows, buying lottery tickets, even a little playing at a Casino
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
Thank you Morpheus,
Nice Avatar and a voice of reason!
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
you should know it really depends on the Elder Body about recourse to take when a Baptised pub, family or not should be punished for having dealings with a DA or DF person, just ask Ray Franz!
Our BOE DF a mother for having too much contact with her DF son.
Choose your words carefully and have all your ducks in a row!
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
When saying " that I never be that guy again" , I meant that Elder guy who pushes people or bullies them to"increase their share in the Ministry" or make them feel bad for missing the meetings, etc.
I am the guy now that "does not let a rotten saying come out of his mouth"!
When someone invites me over and want me to bring a 6 pack of beer and a dozen wings, I going to bring a 12 pack and 2 dozen wings!
I am going to be chilled, relaxed and jovial.
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
I have an opened dialogue with my son. However on the issue of DFing, my wife still toes the line on waiting for him to get reinstated before we establish full contact.
My is kinda funny, my wife is a stickler on this one issue only(DF). I guess she took it to personal that he went on some sexual excursions.
On everything else, she will do whatever I do. She would follow me off that cliff!
i've been looking on this site for some time but never posted.
i'll give a little about myself, but not too much.
i'm a ex-bethelite ( brooklyn )and currently serving as an elder (10 years) (thinking about stepping down) on the service committee.
Welcome Mr. Theocratic
Your comments are spot on. I have too much invested to go anywhere else(some 35 years). I would say in our Hall it's 50/50 between the Hardcore and those going through the motions. Our Elders do watch the Flock closely, by phone calls and visits. You would literally have to walk away and tell them not to bother you for them to leave you alone. We have had 3 Single Sisters do that very thing this year (but not get DF).
Hope to hear more from you and your experiences.